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Here Are Some Basic Garden Maintenance Tips For Beginners

This is a very important garden maintenance tips to ensure your garden is hydrated

  • Many people think that watering the plant and filling the flower bed with lot of water ensures that the plants remain healthy. Well sorry to break this to you, this is incorrect information. You need to keep your garden hydrated enough so that they don’t dry and wither away.

  • If you see the flower bed is still wet from the previous day then do not water again, it is important to allow the plants absorb the water. You can hire the best gardener who can work with the stone beds and also make the soil bed with the right amount of manure.
garden maintenance

  • For better garden maintenance, it’s okay to water 2-3 times a week unless the plant requires to be watered every day.

  • Always water the plants either in the morning or evening when the soil is cooler and there will be more water retention and you will require to put less water, because during the afternoon the heat is at its peak hence there will be evaporation causing the soil to dry soon. 

  • Install sprinklers or water irrigation system if you have huge garden area and it’s not possible for you to water every single plant. This will ensure appropriate garden maintenance. The gardener should know the exact amount of water to be sprinkled to the plants. For instance, the amount of water needed for the flowering plants are different from that amount needed for the fruit trees, so you have to hire and instruct him for the right garden maintenance procedure accordingly.

1. Tips for taking care of the lawn

  • Temperature above 30 degree Celsius will not allow your lawn to grow appropriately, hence avoid cutting the grass in case the daily temperature is high.
  • If you wish to mow your grass, keep it at least 5 cm from the ground, this will not allow evaporation of the water and keep your grass green.

Important garden maintenance tip , Do not over water your lawn, as it can lead to formation of mold that will only destroy your lawn resulting in poor growth of the grass and the plants around. The growth of molds and mildews stop the overall growth of the plants, so proper cutting, pruning and taking care of the plants is an absolute necessary. 

2. Tips for removing weeds for better garden maintenance

Weed growth in your garden is not good for your plants. It’s very important for garden maintenance to remove the weeds before they grow and try to kill the other plants.
If you do not want the weed to grow again, go for the roots. Use weeding tool to remove the weeds with its roots. This will ensure that it does not regrow on the same spot.

3. Benefits for humans with proper garden maintenance

garden maintenance

Every person interested in gardening should keep the nature at their fore front. Though our efforts will not make much of a difference but we can surely contribute our share.

A single tree can soak up to 26 lbs of carbon di-oxide from the environment in a year. Imagine planting as many trees as possible. They soak up smoke and other types of gases and convert it to oxygen.
With deep rooted trees in your garden, you can stop harmful minerals like phosphorus and nitrate from entering your drainage system


You may have many questions related to garden maintenance when you step foot in the garden. To have your questions answered you can seek the assistance of professional gardeners. Do not do anything if you are not sure about it.

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