How To Stop Jaw Clenching?
An excessive amount of jaw clenching may be the source of jaw pain or tightness, difficulty opening your mouth wide, or frequent "temple" headaches. If you have a condition called Bruxism, you actually suffer from jaw clenching, and it has a strong impact on your overall health. Doctors generally prescribe forms of nightguard when you have jaw clenching problem.
What Is Clenching Of Jaw?
Jaw clenching is a situation that is marked by extreme jaw clench and may also involve teeth grinding. Your jaw may feel tight and painful, your teeth may become damaged, and you may develop face problems like TMJ or TMD. This may occur during the day, at night, or both.
Although teeth grinding is not always a sign of severe clenching of jaw, the two frequently occur alongside.
What Are The Symptoms Of Jaw Clenching?
It can be challenging to recognize excessive jaw clenching, especially if it occurs when you're asleep at night. However, several obvious jaw clench indicators are there that might help you identify the issue. The most evident of these is experiencing jaw pain, which is typically accompanied by tightness in the jaw. There are cases where people might suffer from stroke or any other kind of ailment, and also instances when you might grind your teeth while sleeping or while you are awake. These cases can also be very significant when you go for medical prescriptions.
Due to the tightness and pain from excessive clenching, people clenching their jaws may even find it difficult to open their mouths wide. This may result in earaches as well as headaches (especially those that begin in the temples). If you frequently wake up feeling exhausted after grinding your teeth at night, you may want to consider speaking with a doctor about a possible condition called sleep apnoea.
The last and most obvious symptom of frequent jaw clenching is having:
- Dental fillings that have broken, or
- Loose or worn teeth
Although this is typically a serious case, it needs to be handled very away to protect your priceless teeth from additional harm.
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Jaw Clenching |
Home Remedies To Stop Clenching Of Jaw
These include:
- Increasing your daytime aerobic exercise.
- Consuming less caffeine during the day, especially after 2 o'clock, or quitting altogether.
- Obtaining 30 to 60 minutes of daily direct sunshine to support circadian rhythm health. 6 - 9 am are the most effective for this. Use sunscreen regularly to prevent skin cancer.
- Before going to bed, stay away from phone and television. These gadgets emit blue light, which your brain interprets as sunshine and prevents the production of melatonin (circadian rhythm-regulating hormone).
- Maintaining a regular schedule of sleep, on the weekends as well.
There are many different methods to help you stop clenching your jaw. You could try using a muscle relaxer, taking a hot shower, listening to music, meditating, or even chewing gum.
Professional Treatment For Clenched Jaw
You should visit the dentist as soon as you notice jaw clenching. He can determine how much you clench your jaw and whether it has resulted in problems like TMJ or TMD by examining the damage to your teeth. He can also provide you a mouth guard to wear at night in addition to fixing any damaged teeth you may have (in case this is the cause why you are clenching jaw). Some forms of clenching can lead to worse form of headaches. You can check out with the certified doctors about the dose and the therapy that you need to take, when you go for loss and protection of teeth. Additionally, he could suggest a relaxation therapist to show you how to deliberately relax your jaw muscles and a sleep specialist to help you develop better sleep habits. Because, if you do not take care of the jaw-related problems early in life, then you might as well suffer from wearing down of your teeth.
A head and neck massage, which helps to relax the muscles in those areas and lessen any pain or stress you are feeling, is the final expert procedure that can help with your clenching of jaw problems.
Having worn or loose teeth, broken fillings, or other tell-tale signs of prolonged jaw clenching are obvious. Although this is typically a serious case, it needs to be handled right away – in order to protect your priceless teeth from additional harm.
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