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5 Essential Eye Tests and When They Should Be Done

Your eyes are an extremely delicate organ and a major part of your body. Having perfect eyesight is a blessing that should be cherished. Your eyes help you to see the world and appreciate everything present around you. Just like every other organ in your body, your eyes should also be taken care of. You need to conduct the necessary eye tests so that you know if your eyes are healthy or you are suffering from an issue. If you find even a slight discomfort in your eyes, it is necessary to get it checked.

Below Are Some Eye Tests That Are Conducted For Different Purposes. 

Visual Acuity Test 

The visual acuity test is one of the basic eye tests that are conducted to check the vision of a person. If you are suffering from any visual related issue in your eyesight, then this is the test that is recommended mostly by the doctors. Through this test, it can be determined the distance till which you have perfect vision. This eye test is suitable for people of all ages and is conducted to check the accuracy of your vision. During the eye test, the patient is said to read out from a chart of letter of different sizes placed at a distance. The analysis based on your reading will determine the perfection of your eyesight. There will be many times you will not be able to recognize a few letters, but you should not come to conclusions by yourself. You must wait for the doctor to explain everything in detail. 

Color Blindness Test 

Color blindness is a problem where the person cannon differentiates between colors, especially if it is intermingled. This is an eye defect that causes many issues in daily life. Not many people can detect this issue, but if you have an inkling that you are suffering from this defect, then it is better to get it checked out. A simple color blindness test is conducted in which an illusionary numbered chart will be shown to you. In this, there are dotted form of multicolored numbers. The trick is to find the number properly from the multicolored dot box. If you can do so, then it means that you are not suffering from color blindness. 

Slit Lamp Test 

The slit lamp test is conducted when the general eye tests fail to detect the issue that you are suffering from. The slit lamp test is also called as Bio-microscopy since the doctor takes the help of an instrument like a microscope. This instrument is placed in front of the patients, and the chin is placed onto a stand that is present so that the head is stable. A fluid is dropped in the eye to dilate the eyes and the defect is recognized by making the patient look through the microscopic lens. The light of the slit lamp is of high intensity, which helps in the detection of any underlying issue that may not have been found in the general test.


This test is conducted by the doctor to know the power of the lens that you might require. Once your problem of the vision has been detected, the doctor then tries to find you the power of the lens that he can prescribe you with. The power of the lens helps you assist your vision and through the lens you will be able to see perfectly. 

Aberrometers And Autorefractors

This is one of the more evolved eye tests that have emerged due to technological advancement in the field of medicine. Through this technology, it has become easier to detect any issue present in your eyes. Any abnormalities that you have in your cornea, pupil or any other part of the eye can easily be detected with the help of this invention. 

The above-mentioned eye tests are a must to detect the different problems that are faced by your eyesight. Conduct these tests in the presence of an expert and consult your eye doctor whenever you feel that you have a problem with your eyesight.         

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