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Things to Know About Selecting the Best Architectural Steel for Your Next Project

In the construction industry, stainless steel is one of the most used options for manufacturers. This is because of the highly durable and high-quality properties of this architectural steel, like corrosion resistance and simple usage. Typically, companies use it in different types of projects, like infrastructure, construction, and interior design. For the best outcome, you should depend on solutions from the top-rated welding experts with the right skills and experience.

Types of Welding Stainless Steel

Different types of welding methods work best with stainless steel varieties. The two most notable options include:

1. MIG Welding:

This type of welding works fast, is highly efficient, and saves a lot of money during operations. Also, it is simple to use even for people who are not very skilled at welding practices. Appearance-wise, the high heat application would distort to some extent and that might not look aesthetically pleasing. Notably, this is a good option for maintenance and repair tasks.

2. TIG Welding:

This approach for architectural steel welding ensures neat and controlled welds. It is a good choice for projects that need a high-precision metal finish. The heat application here is low but requires very skilled expertise to use effectively. In this method, you can expect low warping and distortion chances. This is the reason for the TIG welding steel to become a popular choice for commercial buildings.

Applications of Architectural Steel

Here, you have to focus on particular factors to make your technique-centric decision for architectural steel grade and the necessary finish quality is needed. There are different factors where architecture stainless steel is useful. Here are some of the main applications.

  • Bollards: Bollards are mainly used as traffic guides or as a decorative component in external architectural layouts rather than indoors. Common places where bollards are available at building entrances or parking lots. Since they are made of stainless steel, these items are strong and act as perfect guarding structures when places in line formation beside the roads. Plus, this steel type is good in handling extreme weather conditions like rain and accident impact, which is why it is a good choice for bollards.
  • Structural Support: Stainless steel is very strong and durable, which makes it a good choice for structural construction in buildings. Different types of hardware with this type of architectural steel are pipes and beams. Moreover, if a designer leaves some parts of the material bare in the interior décor, it still looks good. 
  • Roofing: Stainless steel has high corrosion resistance property and is very durable. Many manufacturers choose to add this component for roofing. It has a weatherproof surface quality as well and does not waste away easily after exposure to intense weather conditions. Generally, construction agents use shingles or panel types for roofing.
  • Signboards/Art Installations: People can use stainless steel in indoor or outdoor artwork and signboards. Common examples in interior décor are centerpieces, like abstract sculptures, statues, or lighting fixtures. These boards have been used in many commercial spaces for attracting crowd and advertising which is why these boards need to be durable. These steel boards of sign do not corrode easily and are very easy to clean and maintain as well.
  • Handrails: Stainless steel as architectural steel works well as handrails, both outdoors and indoors. Its solid structure ensures proper balance for people taking the stairs and holding onto the rails for support. The handrails made do not move easily and can last for a longer period without corroding. You can combine the stainless-steel guardrails or handrails with other components like glass in your project, from a design perspective.

Overall, stainless steel is a highly useful metal for construction purposes. You can use it in different manners, for attractive and unique structures. Choose the right products and support from top-range welding experts for your architectural project while using stainless steel material. It would be better to take help from a professional who has extensive knowledge of architectural steel. They will be guiding you throughout the process of purchasing as well as installing steel in your building.

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