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A to Z about Evaporation Cooling System

Air cooling options can be confusing for anyone trying to purchase them. While you have various options available in the market, you might think which one suits the best to your indoor and can meet your expectations.

During sunny and unbearable hot days, apart from air conditioners, you have the alternative of using an evaporation cooling system to allow chilled air to pass through the room. These systems are the saviour of the scorching heat summer day.

Both portable and fixed evaporative cooling systems are available for you to choose from. Depending on your convenience and requirements, you may purchase the suitable one. Before selecting the best one for your office or home, you must know about the evaporation cooling systems.

Types of Evaporative Coolers

Three types of evaporative coolers are there, among which you can opt for whichever you like. Let us explore the features and mechanisms of each cooler.

Direct Evaporative Air Coolers

The biggest benefit is that it is cost-effective and affordable for all. The installation mechanism is super easy and readily available for usage. You need to install the machine just by putting it in place. Plugin and put water to start the cooling procedure.

Also known as swamp coolers, this evaporation cooling system uses an evaporative pad that absorbs hot air. As the water drops from the pad, evaporation cools down the air molecules. With the fan's circulation in the unit, the moistened and chilled air is now passed to the room. The room will be automatically cooled with an even temperature throughout.

Indirect Evaporative Air Cooler

This is not a portable option but is more efficient in cooling spaces. It uses two air sources that are heated up and cooled down by evaporation, making it more effective. It uses media pads for evaporation, just like that in a direct evaporating cooling system.

However, the indirect evaporative coolers are larger and accommodating the unit needs space. It is expensive due to the duct system used for transferring air, making it impossible to reduce its price. Nevertheless, it is more cost-effective than air conditioning systems.

Mounted Draft Air Coolers

The following classification depends on how the direct and indirect evaporative coolers are installed. Direct coolers can be moved or installed in a place, whereas indirect coolers have to be mounted.

  • Air coolers can be installed on the floor, roof, or windowsill.
  • Ground-mounting is not a widespread practice.
  • The rise and fall of air will not be that efficient if the system is set up on the floor.
  • Window-mounted systems are suitable for small rooms, and also they get enough source of air.

Roof-mounted air coolers are primarily used in industrial and commercial areas. They use air ducts, and the maintenance cost is higher than the other two options. The installation process is more straightforward and needs minimal space. The residential area prefers installing this more than a commercial group.

What Are the Benefits?

Let's see why an evaporation cooling system is suitable for you.

  • Air coolers circulate air, ventilating the room and allowing fresh air to enter the space.
  • It cools down and ventilates the room simultaneously.
  • It is cheaper than AC, and also the energy efficiency is more compared to other cooling systems.
  • It is eco-friendly as it doesn't release harmful gases while AC is harmful to the atmosphere.
  • An evaporation cooling system is easy to maintain and keep clean.
  • Air coolers are easier to operate and last for long compared to other cooling systems.

Choose the best evaporative cooling system that suits your requirements. Go ahead and do your research well. Know everything before you make any payments. What are you waiting for?

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