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How to Choose the Best Lawyers and What to Expect from Them

 Like any other countries, Australia also has several numbers of lawyers for dealing with different fields of the law and jurisdiction. To simplify, lawyers handle matters in the court like property rights, divorce, custody, child support, criminal offences, etc. Finding the best attorneys is an important task  and results in winning or losing a case at the court. That is why going through a tough screening process before hiring a lawyer is essential.

Factors to Consider before Hiring a Lawyer


1. Experience

Experience is the most crucial factor for any lawyer selection. Similar to the doctors, people do not want to trust someone who does not have any previous knowledge of handling similar situation or cases with excellence for resolving any severe matter. This is true for any lawyer handling family litigations, criminals, property trials, etc. An inexperience lawyer will never be able to handle the difficult and tricky cases as a simple case may turn complicated which needs expertise to solve.


Another effective way to find a good lawyer is through the references and suggestions of people in your acquaintance. Not all lawyers have the same level of PR skills, just like any other profession, not every other individual is equally easy to deal with. However, for legal practitioners, communication is a big part of their job, although some of them are hard to work with. It is better to ask for references from people who have prior experience of working with them to avoid any problem due to miscommunication with your lawyer.

3. Checking the Past Records

The past track record of any lawyer speaks for themselves. An attorney with a clean success rate in similar cases automatically gains the reliance of his clients. Which is why having a close look at the lawyer’s past professional records will help you in shortlisting before hiring them. One more factor to look before making any contract with your lawyer is his remuneration. However, different lawyer charges according to their discretion mainly depending on their success rate and reputation. Get a clear idea about the fees of your lawyer before hiring them to eliminate any sticker shock at the later stage.

What You Can Expect from Your Lawyer


If you have never dealt with any work concerning the law and judiciary, there is a high chance that you have no idea what you can expect from your lawyer. So, once you decide on your attorney for your case, it is time to understand what a lawyer is supposed to do for you. 

Communication: Your lawyer should maintain proper communication and correspondence with his clients. Failing to establish good communication can give you a valid reason to worry about your case.

Competency: Competency refers to a lawyer’s fundamental knowledge and proficiency in handling any legal issue. Passing the bar exam does not guarantee your lawyer’s competency to represent you at the court. 

Ethics: Every country and every state have specific ethical rules set for the lawyers to discipline the attorneys and save the clients from any malpractices done by them. Disobeying these rules can even cause them revocation of their law license.

Fees: Disputes between the clients and the lawyers are a widespread phenomenon. It is better to make a fee agreement with your lawyer before proceeding any work to avoid landing upon such conditions.

Bottom Line

Legal proceedings are always complicated arena for any ordinary person. A good and honest lawyer can save you big-time from any kind of litigation. However, a dishonest and incompetent attorney can only increase your troubles. So, never take any shortcut for choosing a lawyer, do adequate research. before hiring a legal practitioner for handling your critical legal issues.

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