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Guidelines on Variety of Fall Prevention Systems

Technology has massively changed in the last few years and it is believed it is still evolving. With every passing day, technology comes up with something new that becomes an inevitable part of our lives, yet amidst all these human labor plays the most significant part of work. No matter how much technology has been advancing, there still exists a list of works that require manual work. From this point of view comes the concept of protecting and properly utilizing labor. Hence, there exists the idea of fall prevention systems which do the needful of protecting the annual labor in various industries especially in construction based work.
Fall prevention systems can be classified into two parts, active and passive. Though it is believed the passive system is way safer to be used but the active systems and more involved in various industries rather than the passive. It is so because the understanding of the active systems is weekly order and better than that of the passive and it can be e widely used and processed.
Fall Prevention Systems

There are various ways in which fall prevention systems are installed and used all over the world. A few of the notable ones are mentioned below:
  • Fall arrest: Fall arrest is the most commonly used fall prevention system in the industry. It is mostly found in the construction based industries where workers are expected to be suspended on air. The difference between the ground and the suspended place is above 6 feet a follower rest is highly recommended and used. Commonly found fall arrest equipment which is extensively used is an anchor point, body harness, and connector. A full body harness is very widely used. It is recommended to buy it after close check for it must be capable of supporting a person with a total tool and body weight of 310 lbs. For hassle free experience you can check the buyers guide in fall prevention system. Lanyards are the device which connects the harness to the anchor properly. Positioning systems allows the workers to easily sit back in their harness while doing their work using both hands.
  • Retrieval: Popularly known as a rescue plan, retrieval is an important step in the development of a fall prevention system. This system covers mostly the post-fall scenario of retrieving a worker who has fallen. Though this fall prevention system is not much widely used, yet most people prefer keeping this on the list.
  • Body belts: Body belts restrain workers who are working in hazardous positions to reduce fall risk. They are for positioning only, so they cannot replace fall arrest systems. They form an integral part in a fall prevention system.
  • Rope grabs: These are mostly deceleration devices travelling on lifelines, allowing safe ascension and descent of the worker or locking of the lifeline in case of fall.
  • Fall Arrester: The retractable type fall arrester is a cable or webbing device, which retracts by itself inside a unit to make it possible that the cable or webbing remains intact all throughout. It is found in different variables of lengths reaching up to 60m. It is most commonly found with a built-in shock absorber, which arrests the falling worker within distances of less than 1m.

  • Fall Prevention
Apart from these, there also exists a bunch of different ways and methods by which fall prevention system is used in the market as of today. Most people tend to invest in these systems in order to utilize manual labor as much as possible. Fall prevention system is a growing bunch of commerce.

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