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Orthokeratology: Its Advantages And Disadvantages

Orthokeratology is the use of specially fitted contact lenses that one is required to wear overnight. These lenses gradually reshape the cornea or the front of the eye so that when the wearer wakes up, they have perfect vision. This treatment is best for people who do not wish to wear glasses or contact lenses which may include sportspersons and other such professions or even people who are not eligible to get any other form of corrective treatment such as Lasik.

Such a treatment is mainly used by people who have mild to moderate myopia and even astigmatism. It has also proved to reduce presbyopia and hyperopia in certain cases but it is still mainly used for patients with myopia. Orthokeratology is said to be best in treatment of myopia up to 4 diopters which may actually result in a significant reduction or even cure of myopia but from 4-6 diopters of myopia, it can only be used to somewhat reduce but not totally cure the defect.  However, it is only a temporary fix and when the wearer stops wearing the orthokeratology lenses myopia will be the same as before.

Advantages of Wearing Orthokeratology Lenses:

1. It is a temporary procedure and therefore anything that might go wrong will become the same in a matter of a few days or weeks

2. It has been proven to reduce myopia of up to 4 diopters and its effects last throughout the day in most cases

3. The function of wearing contacts at night when sleeping is attractive to many people who might have work in dusty places or simply those who do not like wearing glasses or contacts.

4. It is significantly cheaper than procedures such as Lasik and does not have the requirement of any further surgery in the future

5. The effects of corneal reshaping are proven and researched extensively whereas those of other procedures are still not clear

6. There is no sort of pain that is experienced in this procedure and can be considered for children to reduce the increase in their myopia

Disadvantages of Orthokeratology Lenses:

1. Wearers of such lenses should extensively follow instructions given by their ophthalmologist as not doing so may result in severe consequences such as corneal infections

2. The effects of such lenses are temporary. Any reduction in myopia will eventually be restored to its previous state if the lenses are not worn and it, therefore, becomes a continuous procedure

3. A significant amount of time has to spend on lenses fitting and follow up appointments. At least three visits to six visits will be necessary so as to ensure that the eyes are in a healthy state

4. The effects of such lenses vary from one person to the other and therefore results cannot be guaranteed.

The process of orthokeratology is generally started by the ophthalmologist by creating a visual map of the eye through specialized devices and determining if the patient is eligible for the lenses. Once it is determined custom lenses can be made to fit individual eyes so as to start the process using the map that was created of the patient’s eyes. After some weeks the wearer will be able to see clearly without the help of any extra visual aid but some patients have also seen improvements after just a few days of usage.

Orthokeratology is a low-risk procedure for those who do wish do wear glasses or contacts.  This process is also proved successful to will lead to reduced myopia but being a temporary procedure, all results achieved will be reversed if they are not worn continuously. Despite this orthokeratology is a safe and light procedure that may be considered as an option for fixing corneal vision.

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