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Get Your Eyes Tested from An Optometrist

Eyes are an essential part of your health. There are many ways to keep them healthy and maintain good eyesight at all times. Most people take care of their eyes as they are one of the most important organs in the human body. The eye is also considered the most sensitive organ and you need to visit an optometrist to check up your eyes on regular basis.

An optometrist is not an ophthalmic surgeon:

A professional who examine the eyes and offer care assistance like eyesight testing, treatment, and management of the other parts of the visual system is called optometrist. These professionals also diagnose and treat other eye diseases, and injuries. But they cannot perform eye surgery because they are the practitioners who can examine the eye and identify the problems. Then they can prescribe the eye glasses or lenses, or they can suggest you to use some natural eye drops.

About Optometrists

Generally, most of the optometrists are private practitioners. People often get confused between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists. Ophthalmologists are physicians who are trained to perform eye surgery and treat eye injuries whereas optometrists are professionals who examine the visionary parameters of the eye and prescribe sunglasses and contact lens.

Choose the right eye doctor

Getting to the right professional who is specialized in dealing with all types of eye issues is an important thing. Without eyes, we could not see the world, faces of our loved ones, and the nature of the world. They also play an integral role in defining the overall health of an individual. Understanding the differences between an optometrist and Ophthalmologists will help one to choose the right clinic.
  • For a general eye checkup, it is advised to reach out to optometrists as they can test and check all the visionary parameters in their clinics. If you are suffering from glaucoma or any other related issues, you should fix an appointment with the best ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
  • Also, try asking the professional to render some advice on eye care and type of sunglasses suited for your visionary parameter because it is good to follow professional advice than following random advices gathered over internet and from amateur people.
  • Apart from that, if you feel any irritation, infection, red eye or inflammation in your eyes then you must consult with an optometrist because they can examine your eyes and identify the exact issue. Even if they feel that you need an eye surgeon then they will tell you to consult with an Ophthalmologist. 

Few tips to maintain good eyesight

We should follow all preventive measures available to take care of our eyes. As the eye is the most sensitive organ we should take action to reduce the impact of external factors. Sunlight is the most common factor that results in ailments related to the eye. The intense ultraviolet radiations from the sun will cause irritations. It is always advisable to wear a pair of sunglasses to block the glare of direct sunlight. People working in welding industries should wear goggles and follow safety procedures to avoid any mishaps. Make sure you buy quality sunglasses which are polarized. Always wash eye at least once in a day with cold water. Apart from that, you must consult with an optometrist once in a month to check your eyes. They not only prescribe the eye glasses, but they can also identify the probable eye problems and provide you good preventions methods. 

It is highly recommended to get an eye checkup at a scheduled interval. Whenever you notice a problem in the vision, reach to the professional optometrists and undergo a thorough check. If diagnosed with vision adjustments, we should make it a habit to wear contact lens during work hours.

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